Saturday, March 7, 2009

And the winner is.........Ashleigh

Ashleigh is the winner of our "Spring Give-A-Way". Yeah! Below is Ashleigh's comment on why she loves spring.

Ashleigh said...
I love Spring because I'm reminded of the newness of life. Leaves start to reappear on trees. Flowers bloom. Birds begin singing again. And I know that summer and the end of snow for a few months is just around the corner.

Ashleigh will get to pick any item that we have in stock. This give-a-way was really fun and we enjoyed hearing all of your responses. Keep checking our blog for upcoming give-a-ways. We are working on several new items to post too.

Here are some of our other favorite comments:

Jennie Hall said...
I love leaving the windows open and smelling the fresh air! I love playing outside for hours with my babies and being on Spring Break with no children but my own! :-)

Leslie said...
Easter!! The chance to celebrate the ressurection of Christ and to teach my children of how he formed in me a new creation in Christ. Spring offers such a wonderous array of symbolism of the new life that I have in Christ just as the baby birds and the budding flowers begin their new life I am reminded afresh of my new life that I have in Christ.

Jenny said...
I love the smell of spring, the birds chirping, the flowers and green grass, and most of all the warm sun on my face! I love long walks in the evenings and getting back on our bikes for the first time! Can you tell I really can't wait!? It's still cold up here!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our give-a-way. Now check out our spring sale!


All in stock items are on sale. Prices are listed below and all items are listed in previous posts. Email us for sizes and avalability. We can't wait to see your cuties in some of our products. Happy Spring!

Playdate Dress 25.00
2+2 Shirt 14.00
One piece outfit for "The Little Man"
10.00Swingset Tunic 12.00

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